Bruce Roberts 65 has twice sailed round the World. This fully equipped and insulated ship is a floating base camp capable of hosting all kinds of initiatives, whether artistic, scientific, or sports-related. Led by a professional crew, this 20-metre steel ketch is comfortable, secure, and welcoming, while also being well adapted to meet the logistical needs of ambitious projects. With her five cabins (four doubles and one quadruple), Bruce Roberts 65 can accommodate up to 12 people. However since the quadruple cabin is (relatively) less spacious than the others, we prefer to restrict the capacity to 10 people for trips lasting more than a week. The ship is fully insulated (>10cm insulation) and equipped with central heating consisting of a powerful boiler and about ten radiators distributed throughout the cabins, the lounge, and the bathrooms. It’s always comfortable to live aboard! We entrust this ship exclusively to a professional crew consisting of two people qualified with a French Sailing License (Brevet d’Etat Voile) and through the French Merchant Navy (‘Capitaine 200 voile’ ‘*******’, ‘matelot’, STCW 95). They speak English, Spanish and French.
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Zmerno: 100% zneska pristojbine za jahto se vrne, če se odpoveduje do 31 dni pred prijavo, in 50%, če se odpoveduje do 8 dni pred prijavo. več
BednBlue prosi vse, da pred potovanjem ali zakupom potrdijo nekaj stvari.
BednBlue prosi vse, da potrdijo nekaj stvari, preden stopijo v stik z drugimi člani.
To boste morali storiti le enkrat.
Obrazec za rezervacijo svetovalca
Izpolnite spodnji obrazec in kmalu boste prejeli predloge z idealnimi jahtami za vaše potovanje.
Vaš obrazec je bil uspešno oddan!
Kmalu vas bo kontaktiral potovalni strokovnjak in vam predlagal idealne jahte za vaše potovanje.
Oglejte si primerne jahte zdaj